Friday, October 28, 2011

fact friday

i can not stand it when people put LOL after everything they say on a txt or message.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Black and Orange Day

Today was Black and Orange day and the activity was Lightning (a basketball game). Sad to say i don't have much tiger clothes even though my parents own the towns embroidery shop. We didn't place in either the black and orange or the lightning. But we did get 2nd for the Victory cry. If you don't know what that is its when each grade at different times yell out V.I.C.T.O.R.Y. that's the Junior battle cry (or what ever grade their in) and they do it as loud as the can, the loudest is the winner.

Tonight is the Homecoming Football game, good luck boys!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

class color day and crazy day

sorry i forgot to do my post yesterday.  yesterday was class color day and volleyball.  Juniors class color was black and we had t-shirts made they said like a Boss (its a song) but the B was a 13 for the class of 2013, which we got 2nd place for. we got 1st for volleyball.

Today was crazy day, which i did not do.  i am not sure who won. The event was wheel chair races, we got 1st.  people say we cheated because we had a girl that was actually in a wheel chair compete for us. But there was no rules that we could use her.

On Tuesday was our homecoming volleyball game, we won!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

pajama day

today was pajama day and tug-o-war. the junior boys got 2nd in tug-o-war and we wont speak of how bad the girls lost.  sorry i forgot to take a picture of my pajamas, i just wore basketball shorts and a t-shirt.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Dress up day

Our homecoming week is this week and the first day was dress up day. not a very good picture of the outfit but you get the idea.