Saturday, August 27, 2011

fair #4

yes another fair. it was only two days, but there was a lot of neat activities. Ms tator tot, potato sack fashion show, mash potato eating contest, mash potato wrestling, and more and more potato things to do but didn't watch all. we even got free french fries! we were selling the same things as the fair #3 but we added a shirt. dad and his big ideas of making the millions. we were doing the cancer shirts of $10 each and we donate $4. we had a lady come up and asked if she can just give a donation and not get a shirt, so we said ya she could. my mom was thinking she would give the $4, no she gave $20! we had some generous people and some annoying ones, but at least my mom and i had some funny people watching to do.
dads new clothing line

Monday, August 22, 2011

First day of school

yup that's right it was my first day of school today. But it was for my college online classes. i am taking US history and digital photography and i have weekly assignments. and of course sense i like things done i finish my first week in the first day. well it was the introduction stuff but it was still a weeks assignment.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

fair #3 pics

first shirt saying: I'm here when you need someone to lean on.
second shirt saying: who ever said winning isn't everything never had to fight cancer.
55 different color necklaces and 3 different color bracelets

Thursday, August 18, 2011

fair #3

well its another weekend at the fair. now we are selling the titanium necklaces and cancer t-shirts. we have two different cancer shirts for $10 and every one we sell we are going to donate $4 to the coborns cancer center. we are also donating 100 shirts to the coborns cancer center! we do have one of our fair followers here at the fair again, they are the ones with the air brush tattoos. but unfortunately our purse people friends couldn't come. they were going to come but backed out at the last minute. i do not have my camera with so i cant take any pictures of the shirts or booth.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011


Today i found out that the dad of a boy in my class died. he cant be that very old because he has a 16 year boy and a 3 year old little girl. he had been diagnosed with his cancer last fall and was said to not make it through the summer. so today my mom and i took two paper bags full of paper products to the family. we did this because we know how much food they would get.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Fair #2

this week is our fair #2, its 5 days long. so far its been going good, but today was the first day so it always can get better.  the best part of the fair i think is, at the last fair we got to know some new people and they are at this fair too. so i get to hang out with the purse people and their three kids. and also the tattoo people. ya at first we didn't know their names so we referred them as the purse people and the tattoo people. if you were wondering how the last fair went, we were so close to beating my dads goal, but hopefully this time we can pass our new goal. if i have time i will try to get pictures on of our booth #2 sometime this week.